Building my blog

Published at Aug 31, 2024 | Last edit at Sep 1, 2024

Why would I write a blog

So over the last few months, i’ve found myself writing more often. Nothing of particular consequence, just whatever is popping into my head on any given day.

But for whatever reason, rather than screaming into the void (read: scribbling into my moleskin notebook), I figured i’d scream into the other void (the horror that is the world wide web).

There’s some anxiety in putting this content out to a space where it can be consumed by others. After all to be a woman is to perform, and I’ve never been particularly good at memorising my lines.

I have been lucky enough however, to be surrounded by people who earnestly share parts of their lives publically, with seemingly little fear. One day I should ask them about that. Some of these people have even told me that they would like to read the things that I write, which does call their taste into question. So over the last few months, i’ve found myself writing more often. Nothing of particular consequence, just whatever is popping into my head on any given day.


Without boring all of you, I highly recommend joy of code’s guide in setting up a sveltekit blog that parses markdown files into blog posts. I’ve got some experience of webdev, but very little using modern webkits. This was imensely useful, as I wanted to set up minimal bariers to putting content here.

I opted to do this, as I figured my daily use of markdown would make it the ideal format to publish posts in. Joy of code implements a parser for markdown files that publishes them as individual posts. The code is available from my github.
